Paula Reto

Jul 18, 2018Marketing Lanctot
Paula Reto

Summer 2018

As we look to our second half of the LPGA season we are pleased to have had a nice warm summer so far. The last few events have been beautiful and we have not had so many rain delays compared to some of the first half of the season. We are in Ohio this week and yet another beautiful place to spend a week. I have been working really hard on my game to get all aspects in top shape. It’s been a bit of a roller coaster for me this year but I am positive and will keep grinding away. We all know that golf can be a grind and sometimes you lose more than you win, as long as you have a positive attitude you always walk away with great experiences for the next time around.  I have been so pleased with my Nivo clothes this year; they have really kept me cool in the hot summer heat. One of my favorite things to do when I’m at a tournament is to mix and match my outfits, but don’t we all as women enjoy doing that. Sometimes more than we should. I have a certain routine I normally do for my outfits, which I am very lucky to have such a great sponsor like Nivo that allows me to have so many options and styles for my LPGA season. I always get comments and questions about Nivo, and I’m always pleased to share my knowledge and recommend Nivo to everyone.


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