Jacqui Concolino

May 02, 2018Andrea Burness
Jacqui Concolino

This year has brought me all over the globe in such a short amount of time. With highs and lows this year has been amazing so far.  The first major of the year ANA Inspiration at Mission Hills brings one of my fondest memories to date on a golf course.  It started on Saturday when I eagled the eighteenth hole from 90 yards out; the crowd went wild and I was clearly super excited as well. On Sunday they had the tee moved up and made it a reachable par 5. I hit a beautiful drive down the right hand side and had 200 yards to the hole with 185 yards of that being over water.  Debating whether to lay-up or go for it Jeff (my caddie and best friend) suggested we rip a 4iron, which I agreed. Needless to say I hit a beautiful high cut to 2 feet and tapped in for back-to-back eagles on the weekend in a Major! The crowd was going wild again and I think I made the only eagle both days on eighteen!! Looking forward to our next Major, the US Women’s Open at Shoal Creek I will be competeing in Dallas and Virginia for the VOA and Kingsmill Championships respectively. NIVO clothing sure will be an asset to me as the summer is heating up - temperature wise and golf wise ! 


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